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Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Alarm Assistance Program

Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Logo

Katie Dukelow
Fire Prevention Public Educator
City of Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service
705-324-5731 ext. 579

Skip next 3 questions if you are the homeowner requesting the program

Is the person you are requesting on behalf of aware you are making this contact

Please select from the options below the best day(s) and time(s) our Fire Preventation Staff can work with you on.

Note: This does not guarantee this date and time slot, a fire captain or fire prevention member will contact you to confirm a date and time.

Availability of homeowner (Day of the week)
Availability of homeowner (Time of day)

*Disclaimer by filling out this form I voluntarily agree to be contacted by Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue in respect to the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Assistance Program. I understand that participation in this program is voluntary and any violations found by Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Staff must be corrected at the cost of the homeowner. 

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